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Business Disaster Loans: Financial Assistance for Recovery
Program Description The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) provides financial assistance to businesses and private, non-profit organizations affected by declared disasters. These long-term, low-interest loans help cover losses that insurance and other sources do not compensate. Importantly, these loans are not exclusively for small businesses; larger businesses and non-profits may also qualify.
General Program Requirements Businesses and organizations in declared disaster areas can apply for assistance. SBA offers two main types of disaster loans:
Physical Damage Loans: Available to businesses of any size and most private non-profit organizations to repair or replace property damaged by a disaster. Learn more here.
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL): Designed to provide working capital to small businesses and non-profits suffering economic harm from a disaster, even if they did not sustain physical damage. More details can be found here.
Application Process Applying for an SBA disaster loan is a straightforward process. You can apply online at any time through the SBA Disaster Assistance page.
You may also apply through your DisasterAssistance.gov account by following these steps:
Sign in to your DisasterAssistance.gov account.
Navigate to the “Status” tab and find the section labeled “Other Government Agencies.”
Locate the SBA section and, under the “Application Status” column, click “Apply.”
For in-person assistance, applicants can visit:
Program Contact Information For further assistance, you can reach out to the SBA Customer Service Center:
Phone: 1-800-659-2955
TTY: 1-800-877-8339
For more details and resources, visit the SBA Disaster Loan Assistance webpage.
SBA’s Business Disaster Loans can be a crucial financial resource for recovery, helping businesses and non-profits get back on their feet after a disaster. If you or your organization have been impacted, do not hesitate to explore these options and seek the assistance you need.